Originally Posted By: olivant

How about staying out until the street lights came on? Did ya'll have hucksters - a guy who came around in a truck and sold vegetables?

I remember the huckster coming around once a week in the summer. We also had Elmer, the bread man, who drove through the neighborhood three or four times a week. He was an old man, who would hand deliver the bread to your house. Once in a while, we would get to go in the back of the truck if we were going to buy a dessert.

I remember the milkman although I wouldn't see him as he'd drop off the bottle of milk before 6 AM.

We had a coal furnace and radiators throughout the house for heat. After playing all day in the snow, we would place our gloves and hats and boots on the radiators to dry. Anyone else with coal furnaces? Remember how the coal truck would place the chute into the coal bins and you'd watch the anthracite slide.