Originally Posted By: olivant
How many of you remember Douglas Edwards with the news as anchor of CBS evening news when it was only a 15 minute broadcast until it expanded to 30 minutes with Walter Chronkite?

How about Alex Dryer and Paul Harvey on the radio news every evening? I used to listen to them as I did my homework.

I had nuns in grade school and christian brothers in high school. I have the wounds to prove it.

How about staying out until the street lights came on? Did ya'll have hucksters - a guy who came around in a truck and sold vegetables?

I do remember when there was 15 minute news cast, but can't say I remember Douglas Edwards. Walter Cronkite for sure, and Paul Harvey we'd listen to on the radio every day at 12:00 p.m.

I don't remember necessarily the Vegetable truck, but I recall my parents talking about it when they lived in an Italian-American area. They said people would sell not only vegetables but fish. confused Plus, I remember going to an outside market with my mother where they sold these things, including live chickens. Can't get any fresher than that. lol


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 11/19/08 09:36 AM.

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