Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Re: Hillary as SOS, I guess she'd be a good pick. I lost respect for her during the campaign, but think shes capable and it's probably a good political move. Yet, part of me wants Obama to not offer her anything.

You have to consider this: Despite her reputation and recent Presidential run, Hillary isn't that powerful of a Senator in reality.

She runs no committees despite being there for over 7 years (compared to Obama, who got the subcommittee on European Affairs, but never held any meetings) and senior Senators like Ted Kennedy have told her flatly that they will own the Healthcare issue, not her.

The Senate Majority Leader in Reid aint going nowhere anytime soon, despite being in my opinion fucking worthless, so that aint an immediate option.

Plus, lets not forget, she's power hungry. SOS is the best Cabinet job, and certainly would feed her and Bubba's Ego.

Then TIS, look at the difference between the GOP and Democrats right now. The GOP Governors' Conference down in Miami this week was a mess, where you had the press fawn over Sarah Palin's incoherent press conference, and Charlie Crist trying to give a speech for the GOP to spread out of its social-conservative base.

If Obama can get the Clintonites under his thumb, compare that with the GOP, who have NO strong leader currently. Their Senate boss nearly got beat 11 days ago, their House leader is facing a serious challenge from within his ranks, and Dubya is a lame duck.

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
With Leiberman, I too think he should get the boot but I read that if he was to get the boot, the GOP with treat him as a hero. Yet, is that reason to keep him on? Again, I guess one must always think poliically on these things.

Thing is, what gain is there to boot him for Obama/Democrats? Even if Lieberman jumps to the GOP, the Republicans won't give him any serious minority positions on committees, and probably try to run a candidate to beat him in 2012. Joe is a lonely man right now, and Obama probably understands that this an opportunity worth exploiting.

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
With McCain, I wonder if Obama will be really reaching across the isle as he promised to do. McCain was never really the GOPs choice, and he and Obama may find common ground on certain issues. I don't know him real well, but give Chuck Hagle credit for going against the grain (so to speak). I think maybe he should be included in some form, no?

Considering how the GOP indirectly are blaming McCain, not Palin, for the election defeat....perhaps hopefully Obama will exploit this great fracturing of the GOP, and get McCain's name/support on some issues down the road. Plus, McCain could stick it to the GOP who threw him under the bus, like he did to Dubya with his Anti-Torture bill.

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Btw, I didn't see it, but hear tht Obama will be running a weekly "address" on YouTube. What a great way to continue his mass appeal....look at especially the youth. I tell ya, the "internet President". We are in a whole new age as far as technology goes. This campaign, I believe, is only the beginning, not just for Obama but in general. Newspapers will soon be passe'...ya think? ohwell


People have been saying that the Internet will kill the newspapers since 1993, and yet it may finally happen not because of technological innovation, but because of the economical times.