Originally Posted By: Danito
Today I read a little scary article in a German newspaper. The German correspondent wrote about how difficult it was for her to contact anybody from the campaign. Volunteers were not entitled to say anything. They told her to contact the headquarter which she did several times. However, they never answered. When she attended a rally in South Carolina she and other people from the press couldn't go to the press gallery because it was reserved for TV crews (who didn't come). In the election night she was allowed to interview the crowd after the speech in Chicago, but no longer than 20 minutes, she had a guard at her side all the time. Felt like in China.
For those of you who know some German: http://www.taz.de/1/debatte/kolumnen/artikel/1/vorsicht-sympathischer-strahlemann/

Can't wait then for all of us to be shipped to farming communes.