Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I'll tell ya, though; if I'm Dubya, I can't get out of there fast enough.

I get the feeling he'll leave without ruffling Obama's feathers. I expect him to be gracious, if not classy about it.

No doubt. At the same time I expect Obama will end the anti-Bush rhetoric. The election's over, and while Bush deserved the low approval rating, nobody is looking for finger pointing now.

Such finger-pointing helps nobody, and if Dubya loves his country as I'm sure he thinks he does, he gave and will continue to give whatever advice to the President-Elect regarding national security or terrorism that he can give.

You know me, I've shat on Dubya frequently, but we must admit that his administration for better or for worse was the first Executive to fight international terrorism as a serious domestic/foreign threat since the days of Thomas Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates, much like Harry Truman (successes and failures) did with the Cold War.

Hopefully Obama's administration will see what worked, and what didn't, with the Bush years...and hopefully improve upon it for our sake.