I spent the last 2 weeks at home because of the same condition that made George Brett remove himself from a World Series game in 1980. believe me, if I had a gun, I wouldn't be talking to you anymore...

anyway, I watched about 20 soccer games and a lot of movies. last night I rented "Taxi Driver" again and only this morning I realized "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" was on TV at the same time. I really wanted to watch it. but I'm still able to join the Coen Brothers conversation. for instance, one of the 2 DVD's in my collection (hello irish!) is "The Big Lebowski" - the other one is "GoodFellas" - such a fun movie, it makes the world shine brighter everytime I watch it. but one of the movies that I re-watched these days and that it seems none of you watched is their masterpiece of a debut, "Blood Simple".

first, it's got genious written all over it. the opening scene is exactly the same from "no country..." and there is that dark car scene in a dark road, just as in "fargo" - what I'm saying is, it's got everything we're used to love, except it's about the regular Joe dealing with a crime scene, instead of Anton Chigurh. you can watch it 25 years after its realease and feel that those young guys would become the Gods of cinema. it's so simple and well done, and so good, it drives me Coen simple!

"Raising Arizona" is amazing too. I've seen bad reviews everywhere but I love it.

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk