Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
It's hard to figure with Palin. Today I hear something like 80 percent of the public want her to run in 2012. eek Yet, I also hear that the Republicans (including many in the McCain camp) DON'T want her to run. I hear so many leaks (since the election) that reportedly come rom the GOP (ie. Palin answering the door to two McCain aids in a towel; and how an unnamed source referred to her and her family as "Alaskan Hillbillies that rip off Neiman Marcus's from coast to coast." Ha ha....

On the other hand, I think it was Paul Begala who when asked if she should run n 2012, referred to it as "the gift that keeps on giving" indicating it'd be a dream for the Dems. I think the public (Republicans) like her but the D.C. Republicans don't.


Heard a story back on sunday how an alleged centre of many of these leaks was Mitt Romney, who wants her eliminated as a possible serious rival for the 2012 nomination.

But man, Palin....I won't say that she CAN'T win in 2012, for that is a very long time from now, but wow she's got alot of work to do in terms of disipline in intelligence and knowledge.

To put it another way, Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, an Indian-American, appeared on HANNITY & COLMES (sadly, Hannity's head didn't explode after the election) and despite sharing most of her ideological stances, Jindal came off as smart and capable.