Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Good post, Ronnie

I kind of like Noonan. If nothing else, she's VERY bright. A fantastic journalist, even if I don't agree with her politics. smile

Well mate, remember how when off-air on MSNBC, Noonan was recorded as dissing the Palin pick?

She also said something I agree with: Why didn't McCain, if he demanded a female GOPer as his running mate, pick Senator Kay Hutchinson of Texas?

Unfortunately, despite her 10+ years of Senate experience and discplined as a partisan fighter (which Palin isn't), Hutchinson wasn't picked because simply she's PRO-CHOICE.

And yet, those same GOP Palin nerds who argued that Palin would win the female vote forgot a little problem: Most American women have traditionally been Pro-Choice. Last I checked, it was 55% according to Gallup, but either way thats a majority.

My point is, McCain-Hutchinson could have won.