Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Just Lou

I have to give one person credit for getting it right. Jack Cafferty said it was "game over" for McCain as soon as he picked her.

So did Peggy Noonan. By the way, I wonder if she got any shit from her party over her remarks?

She got called a R.I.N.O. (Republican In Name Only) by the NeoCon bastion at the National Review, which as a paper has just gone down the fucking tubes in terms of intelligence.

To put it another way, those same jerks called George Will a RINO too because he hated the Palin pick too, and he's more traditional true Conservative than any of those bozos will ever hope be.

As I've said before, and hell William Buckley warned about this as Ideological Suicide, but this circular firing squad occuring right now in the GOP that demand Palin to be a litmus on Republicanism, and some morons like Limbaugh and Gingrich who insist that the GOP lost in 2006 and 2008 because those campaigns weren't conservative enough.

And yet that party's problem is that for 2008, they were still using the same stump speech used in 1980. That party needs to lose a few election cycles before they finally get their shit together and re-define what "Conservatism" means.