Five reasons the Sarah Palin pick was a disaster:

1. All she did was add enthusiasm. Time and again, enthusiasm was the only thing that McCain himself mentioned when defending his terrible choice. She made people who were going to vote against Obama enthusaistic about voting for McCain. That's it.

2. She cost McCain the "experience" card. The No. 1 misgiving people had (and still have) about Obama is his lack of experience. The campaign simply could not make that case when it was willing to put someone with no record a 72-year-old heartbeat away from the presidency.

3. She was a laughingstock. Even I did not know how much of a punchline she would become. Forget the notion that any press is good press. She was defined by SNL as a nutty, inexperienced, naive Barbie doll.

4. There was some truth to the parody. It was funny because it was true. She does believe the world is only 4,000 years old. She did shoot moose from a helicopter. And when Tina Fey got laughs for re-enacting, verbatim, Palin's answers in an interview, it was funny because it was true! We were not laughing with Sarah. We were laughing at her.

5. In accepting the attack dog role, she let others (including the McCain camp) define her and her role. She should have done so many interviews that we got tired of her. She should have stuck to what she knew best (energy -- her policy speech on that issues was a major high point, but it came too late). She was all image, no substance. She seemed perpetually perched behind a podium shouting to those enthusiastic crowds, when she should have been doing press conferences (not a one!) and interviews so that moderates could warm up to her.