Originally Posted By: Saladbar
Originally Posted By: Just Lou
He was on "Hannity and Colmes" tonight. Usually Colmes is useless, but he put Joe in his place. Joe stated that "he doesn't want someone taking his money and giving it to someone else". Colmes pointed out the fact that Mr. Plumber was on welfare (something I didn't know), and had no problem taking other people's money. Joe really didn't have a good answer to that. wink

So maybe we should stop calling him "Joe the Plumber" but "Joe the WELFARE QUEEN".

Joe The Bare Faced Liar??...or what about simply "Joe The Republican"

Tom: "They shot Sonny on the causeway...he's dead."
Michael: "Turnbull is a good man"
Shane MacGowan: "It was Christmas Eve babe, in the drunk tank"