Its funny you bring that up, for in discussing with some angry and disgruntled College Republican friends of mine, in the midst of my pitching that Obama potentially could be the JFK/Reagan of my generation, a well-liked rheotircal leader who made the public feel better about themselves.*

Then I realize, what if Obama is like Reagan, then what is the impact on Cinema?

This sounds self-serving, but the 1970s and recent 2000s all reflected the politics and emotions of those times, usually depressing, downer, and gritty, and I think produce better cinema than the 80s.

I mean look at some great shit in recent years: CHILDREN OF MEN, UNITED 93, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, THERE WILL BE BLOOD, the BOURNE movies, CASINO ROYALE, etc.

So does that mean that the 2010s will consist of Spielberg-esque sentimentalist popcorn schlock that we film buffs will be bitching at for the next few years?

*=which is why I think its weird when GOPers mocked the Obama campaign’s sappyness and that infomercial last week. That was Reagan 101 bitches.