Originally Posted By: Karl9905
...The news media has done nothing but show as many times as they can blacks celebrating, like they just got there freedom or something. There is an old saying, if you don't want to be singled out, then don't single yourself out.

He is the President Elect Obama. NOT President Elect BLACK Obama!

Karl is right. While (rightfully) going out of their way to avoid the race factor (which Obama brought up more than anyone)...the media is now emphasizing almost nothing but.

Obama's race is the ONLY thing that makes this election historic, and to a degree it certainly should be celebrated.

That point aside, after rejecting left-wing lib presidential candidates for 30+ years, we have just placed one in the White House, and while congratulating him on this we can only hope he does less damage to the country than the more intelligent of us expect.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.