Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Karl, I am confused by your remarks. This is a celebration for ALL people. In this country, when "separate but equal" (which was anything BUT) was the norm, when seats were doled out by race, when housing was denied based on gender or race, when all of this was only too recent, to see a man that is half African succeed to the highest office in the land, it certainly reason to celebrate, because it shows how far we as a nation have come.

Nobody is "on top". If this election proves anything, it proves that barriers have been destroyed.

This is not what I feel is coming to light here. And after reading several comments by other board members, in this very thread, I think race is a sore spot to many.

Enough already, we all know where he came from. It seems like everybody has to keep saying it over and over again. No wonder some people feel like it is being stuffed down their throat. He is a person, a man, skin color shouldn't be the most important point here.

The news media has done nothing but show as many times as they can blacks celebrating, like they just got there freedom or something. There is an old saying, if you don't want to be singled out, then don't single yourself out.

He is the President Elect Obama. NOT President Elect BLACK Obama!

That is my point.

Last edited by Karl9905; 11/05/08 01:28 PM.