I had to stop by & admit that now that it's 'practically' over, I feel a strange sense of relief. I had never wanted McCain as the nominee and felt he was completely selfish to run this last time. He was a lousy campaigner from the word GO and although I voted for him, the way ran he deserved to lose. Never overestimate the intelligence of the Republican primary voters.

It's been a nerve-wracking couple of weeks and predictably, the Democrats led by Barack Obama have managed to benefit from an economic downturn for which they are responsible. Never overestimate the intelligence of the American people. If they're worried about the economy now...I can't wait to see how they feel in a year or two.

For the record, I do NOT believe that Sarah Palin brought the McCain campaign down. In reality, it was McCain and his handlers who brought Palin down. She deserves better treatment than she got from them AND the mainstream media, and I think she 'went rogue' a bit too late in the game. But she's a star...she'll be back. And without that albatross around her neck.

That said, I do appreciate the significance of this man becoming not only the first Black nominee, but incredibly is about to be elected the first Black President of the United States. Some people are simply born to hold a place in History and Barack Obama is obviously one of them. I'm happy for his daughters. I'm happy for Oprah. I wish him well, because he will be 'my' President. And let's hope he remains healthy because the only thing worse than a President Obama would be a President Biden.

Congrats to all by BB buddies who are on the winning side.

Tomorrow is another day....



Last edited by AppleOnYa; 11/04/08 11:28 PM.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.