Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
They called her last night (a real person!) to make sure that she got all her documents, see if she had any questions, and to make sure that she didn't wear any hats, buttons or TShirts that had the names/faces of any of the candidates on them, or they wouldn't allow her to vote.

That's true. You have to cover up the shirts and buttons once you step inside the polling place if they tell you to.

My wife and I took our daughter to vote. She wanted to press the Obama button on the computer board.

Today is also parent/teacher conference day at her school. Each grade had a mock election and the results were posted. McCain won among the first and second graders while he eeked out a win in the third grade. Fourth graders had Obama by a modest margin and the fifth graders voted Obama by a larger spread. Obama won by a bigger margin in the middle school and an even bigger margin in the high schools. It was pretty obvious that the younger kids reflected their parents while the older they got, the more likely they were to differ from their parents. Iguess the more things change, the more they stay the same.

The Republicans put a lot of time and energy in PA the past ten days and they are optimistic they are going to steal the state. I think they closed the gap, but I don't think they'll win.

McCain was good with Chris Berman on Monday Night Football. I'm sure that both he and Obama will take vacations soon after today. Sadly, Obama will have to be making funeral plans. It's too bad that his grandmother didn't get the opportunity to see this day, win or lose.