Actually, I think there are all kinds of possibilities besides Atlantic City. Luciano wasn't really too well known in 1929 (if that's the year, which is not at all certain here) and could have travelled any number of places without getting noticed. One location might be Capone's Palm Island estate in Florida. Or could be in Cuba or the Bahamas or Hot Springs, Arkansas, all locations that were visited at one time or another (and probably on a number of occasions) by either Capone or Luciano. Then again, I'm not sure about the identification of Terranova. That could be someone else.

Does anyone have a documented original source for this photo?

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Just about the only time and place that Capone and Luciano might have been in a swimming pool together would have been the famous Atlantic City gangster convention of May, 1929. But I've yet to find a reference to Terranova being at that meeting. Also, Terranova would have been 40 in 1929, and the guy on the left looks older.