Originally Posted By: olivant

Being Italian, I wish I had a nickel for every time I was called a Dago or a Wop (even guinea though I'm not Sicilian). Some people just called me that because they were mad at me; others did it because they were prejudiced against Italians. Racism and ethnic prejudice seem to be a component of some peoples make-up. Of course, their companion is gender or religious prejudice.
I guess it's all a product of socialization with some genetics thrown in.

As Gazzo said of his driver in Rocky, "Some people just hate." Who knows why. I don't know what's wrong with being a Muslim. As a non-believer, I view religion as a rock in believers life foundation. If it helps you be a good person, cool. otherwise, I don't see its value.

I could have written this (maybe not as well) except take all the Italian references and put in "Latina" then "sp*c" and "go home" (even though I was born here, all worse after 9/11).

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"