Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
...I still detest the Clintons...

What's so bad about Bill Clinton? I was too young to follow American politics during his presidency, and I still don't know a lot about his policies; but for some strange reason I remember him being a rather good president.

Originally Posted By: svsg

On two-party system:

I understand that there can be independent candidates, but for all practical purposes they have no chance of winning. I think this is a good system in a way. In places where multiple (strong) parties are present, nobody gets the majority and they always tend to form coalitions after the election to reach majority. That process is so full of corruption inherently.

In the country I live in we have a multiple party system (right now there are 7 major parties: 23 %, 18 %, 15%, 15%, 10%, 7%, 6%) and this works pretty fine normally. Or at least, the multiple party system on itself isn't the cause of government problems. The parties that either are the biggest or the winners of the election usually form a coalition in a system like this. The upside is that there are seldom extremes, the downside is that a party can never really have it's way all the way.

Originally Posted By: svsg

On race being an issue

People cannot be changed overnight. Race will play a big role, no matter what people claim. But after one black president, no one will care about it so much.

I believe in something like a natural rate of racism. In the long-run, a certain number of people will continue to be extreme-right, racist and intolerant. All other racism can be explained by historic and cultural factors, like the racism in the US South. Over a certain period of time, race won't be such an issue anymore as it still is today in my opinion.

Originally Posted By: svsg
Health: Hillary was big on this, but not these two.
A fucking shame.

I really liked Hillary's pov on Social Security, and I hoped Obama would eventually have taken it in his program.

Originally Posted By: svsg
War: No way I can support McCain on this. It is ridiculous on every point. I support Obama on this. Diplomacy is the way to go, not bombing.
Ditto. Thank god more and more people in the center and from the right are beginning to realize this.

Originally Posted By: svsg
Pro-life/Choice/gay-marriage: Frankly I don’t give a damn, but if it were the deciding issue, I go with the more liberal view always. So I favor Obama with this (BTW, he doesn’t believe in gay marriage, right?–what kind of liberal is he).

I agree. My opinion on this is the following: Am I gay? No. So should I fucking care what gays can do and can't do? No! They should decide for themselves what they want to do in life. I have no right to judge over another one's rights. It is a complete idiocracy to deny gays matters that only affect themselves (eg: marriage, ...)
Obama disapoints me in this one, although from a political point of view it is understandable.

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.