Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

I agree 100%. I've run the gamut. I've gone from cautiously optimistic to over confident, and now I'm back to worrying again.

You need to relax. It is unheard of for the polls not to tighten somewhat near the end of an election.

Here's the latest "Karl Rove's State of the Race":

Election 2008: State of the Race
National polls have started to show the presidential race tightening, but 66 state polls released so far this week haven’t captured any significant movement toward John McCain. In fact, since Sunday, Nevada (5 EV) has flipped from toss-up to Obama, giving him 311 electoral votes to McCain’s 157, with 70 as a toss-up. McCain still needs to pick up all of the current toss-up states—which all went for Bush in both 2000 and 2004—and peel off several large states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia from Obama.