Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

McCain's resume is much larger than Obama's. McCain has a background that is a solid one that can be and has been varified, with maybe a minimal amount of unanswered questions.

If both these men were applying for a job in a company that I owned and I went over both of their resumes and did a background check on both of them, it would be irresponsible of me not to hire someone like John McCain over Barack Obama, to work for my company.

Hey DC, since you and I seem to connect best when I bring it down to a sports analogy, this is how I look at it.

McCain is the 10 year journeyman nearing the end. Never been a star and never will be. Won't put up any big numbers. Should be able to fill in.

Obama is the high 1st round draft pick. Raw but talented. Unlimited upside. Could/should be a star. Needs the right team around him to grow.