Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Then I welcome your observations even more. As an "outsider" (for want of a better word), your views of the campaign and election process may be quite different than mine, and I am truly interested in hearing them.

Since you are truly interested in hearing my view, you have to bear with me on this long reply lol

On two-party system:

I understand that there can be independent candidates, but for all practical purposes they have no chance of winning. I think this is a good system in a way. In places where multiple (strong) parties are present, nobody gets the majority and they always tend to form coalitions after the election to reach majority. That process is so full of corruption inherently.

On polarized views

The down side to the above mentioned point is that people are ridiculously one sided and polarized. Why can’t people say (example, not literally) “I like the health plan and tax rates of Obama and I like McCain’s views on abortion and war, but currently I am more worried about health, so I’ll vote for Obama” or something like that. Why do people have to find all the bogus stories about the other candidate they don’t support and claim victories for the candidate they support in all the debates and stuff?

On the type of issues

This election is now concentrating on economic issues and taxes etc primarily because of the recession, collapse of financial/mortgage industry and oil prices. That is very good. They should also be talking about education and health. I never understood the stuff like pro/anti life, guns and gay marriage being election issues. I know it affects some, but is everyone happy with all the other basic stuff like jobs and health before they jump into all those big pro/anti life questions?

On the debates

Maybe because I come from a place where the politicians are illiterate and corrupt mobsters, I find the idea of debates very fascinating. Politicians waiting for their turn to answer questions and not interrupting each other and shouting some non-sense in itself is great. But in addition, the candidates are very knowledgeable on a variety of topics. I may or may not agree with their views, but they certainly have an answer to everyone’s questions (mostly).

On this election being historic

As I have seen minority and women presidents/prime-ministers before not only in my country, but also in several other Asian countries, I firmly believe that nothing historic or great is going to happen. They all do the same things, the system is such, no one person can do anything. I am actually sorry for people who are unreasonably optimistic about the outcome of this election.

On race being an issue

People cannot be changed overnight. Race will play a big role, no matter what people claim. But after one black president, no one will care about it so much.

My personal views on issues

Economy: I don’t think either of them can do anything. It is so complex that I doubt if anyone has a sure shot cure. Both have endorsed the bailout, but whoever loses the election is going to blame the guy in power for the bad economy.

Taxes: All tax is not income tax. Everything from toilet-paper to a haircut is taxed. All industries are affected by taxation. So finally how the businesses will pass on the cost to the customers and how much income tax gets reduced is very complex to compute. Both candidates are making tall claims. I have wait and watch how this will work out finally. But I guess Obama’s policies will be good for someone on a small income (I hope).

Health: Hillary was big on this, but not these two.

Education: haha, what happened to this one? Is everyone happy with the system?

War: No way I can support McCain on this. It is ridiculous on every point. I support Obama on this. Diplomacy is the way to go, not bombing.

Immigration: Actually I am not so interested in immigration , but I am very concerned about what they have got for non-immigrant visa holders like me. I am not immigrating and I am working here legally after obtaining higher education in a US university. Right now the policies are kind of bad. People are talking about giving citizenship for illegal immigrants who have crossed border and stuff, but the rules for legal foreign workers are extremely convoluted. That is, even for just working here or becoming a permanent resident (not talking about citizenship).McCain has policies favorable to me. I support him on this. Obama will most likely screw me with this.

Pro-life/Choice/gay-marriage: Frankly I don’t give a damn, but if it were the deciding issue, I go with the more liberal view always. So I favor Obama with this (BTW, he doesn’t believe in gay marriage, right?–what kind of liberal is he).

Don’t know if I covered all the key points. Ask me if you are interested smile