Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Iceman, I believe that your attitude leads more to these supposed "attacks" than your views. If you don't discuss ideas, if you don't exchange thoughts, then how would anyone ever learn anything new or different?

Yeah I mean at least Freddie C. has the courtesy to debate us, and not simply launch a missile and then go MIA for several days.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
As for Senator Obama's "associations", the insinuations are insulting and demeaning. I notice that the only "stories" that are publicized are those that have him with "terrorists" or "shady" non-profit organizations that work with minorities. To me, that plays on the internal racist in all of us. He looks different. He has a "funny name". Therefore, he must be a suspicious character.

What I think is ironic is that in 2012 or 2016, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal will probably run for the GOP Presidential nomination, and I think he and NOT Sarah Palin will be the future of the party.

Get a good luck at him Iceman/Appleonya/DoubleJ:

If Obama has had problems because of his skin and funny Arab-sounding name, Jindal is gonna have to rough it out because of his face. Just imagine those same Palin supporters, and probably Huckabee stumpers as well, saying in coded subtle language, how Jindal is a terrorist too, or pals around with them.

You know, in spite of the fact that he's Indian-American and Roman Catholic (though he apparently was involved in a mean exorcism once. No really.)

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
If you disagree with his stance on energy, on abortion, on the economy, with his healthcare plan, then fine. Tell us WHAT you object to and, more importantly, WHY you object to it and why you think that Senator McCain has a better plan. But posting articles that call him a "Jew-hater" or accuse him of associating with terrorists just smacks of the lowest and most baseless biases.

EXACTLY. You can be rather intelligent in picking either candidate, but don't vote because one is old or the other has a funny name or whatever nonsense.

Hell, Freddie C. had the courtesy to debate Obama's taxplan...which I think is a legit concern.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 10/30/08 11:21 AM.