
There were many many women's libbers (50 plus women) who were devasted that Hillary lost the pimary. Now, I'm from the woman's lib era myself and am all for woman' rights.Yet these ladies wanted Hillary and Hillary only. I think, just because she was a woman. To me though, I figure we have come a long way and are far past he bra burning days. lol Now's not the time to be "libbers."

They absolutely hated that Obama won, all the bloggers and otherwise were talking about creating havoc at the Dem primary. Some went to McCain rallies and still insist they'll vote for McCain out of spite.(I'm sure some will too). Their idea was simply to make Obama lose. As far as PUMA.....remember when everyone was calling for party unity within the Dem Party. The Dems of course didn't want discourse. These ladies were so pissed off that they called themselves PUMAS (Party Unity My Ass). lol

They were genuinely disappointed without a doubt, but they also were bitter sore losers. Now that I think about it, thy sort of faded in the woodwork.


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 10/29/08 10:22 PM.

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"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon