Originally Posted By: whisper
In The States, Is it commonly known as rude to ask somebody who they are voting for?

Down here people get furious and go on rants about how it's a private matter etc.

svsg was pretty accurate. The election is commonly discussed. But at the same time it is considered rude and in bad taste to ask someone bluntly whom they are voting for. This is information one shouldn't solicit, especially in the work place. It is actually illegal for an employer to ask a prospective employee his or her party affiliation or voting record.

I've heard many political discussions over the past year, some thought provoking, some silly. Two parents at a youth sporting event engaged in a spirited discourse over the candidates a few weeks ago. It was entertaining for its comedic value.

The Democrat was trying to convince the Republican that McCain's military service and survival in a brutal POW camp for years had nothing to do with character.

The Republican was arguing that Obama was racist because he mentions in his autobiography that police and security guards had treated him suspiciously because of his race.