Originally Posted By: whisper
In The States, Is it commonly known as rude to ask somebody who they are voting for?

Down here people get furious and go on rants about how it's a private matter etc.

As an outsider in US, I get the impression that people are very open about their political affiliation here. Everyday at my work some of my colleagues discuss politics. I work for a large corporation and I would have guessed that there would be some ethics/harassment policy that would prevent employees from talking politics at workplace. But apparently not. Also we have a TV at the break room, where people can set the channel. Most of the times it shows either CNN or Fox. It is not uncommon to hear people commenting on Obama or Palin or someone else very openly. Lot of people have bumper stickers proclaiming their support for a given candidate. As I mentioned in some other thread, my (republican) neighbor has a full blown Halloween decoration on her door with Obama(trick) or McCain(treat)! I guess that kind of open support comes from general tolerance for expressing one's affiliation without fear. That is a nice thing here. I don't know if it is true throughout the country, but if it works in Texas, I guess it should work everywhere smile