Bibble, I surely will look for their other movies, thankfully with a slightly faster internet and torrents, I finally can find and watch whatever I want out here.

A couple of months ago, while revisiting "O Brother... ," I was so impressed how I enjoyed this viewing even more than before. I was about to go look for their other movies, but then somehow it slipped my mind as I'm constantly on the look for new episodes of my current favorite shows, such as Dexter, The Office, House MD, etc.

A few days ago I found something I've always wanted to watch: "Monty Python Flying Circus." It was 14GB, and my connection will be busy downloading that for a while, but Coens' movies are next on my list. I'll start with "Barton Fink" and will let you know what I thought about it.

Don't get me wrong, I immensely enjoyed their serious plots like "No Country for Old Men," and "Fargo," but the script for their comedies are so rich, I give the nod to "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" over those. All the cultural references, rich witty dialogues, and their view of things that come across in their pictures, well, these are my attempts to put my finger at what I like about their movies, but certainly I fail to name them all. smile

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones