Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: olivant
Also, Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska was found guilty on several federal corruption charges.

I haven't really followed this story. What effect, if any, will it have on the Republicans (in the election)?

1) Republicans will probably lose another Senate seat.

2) Stevens "The Tubes Guy" is Palin's "mentor". Last summer Palin sat next to him at conference and went on and on about how much she respected him and how his voice needed to be heard across America and proudly touting his endorsement during her run for governor. I think these are up on youtube, check them out.

3) There is some scandal about Palin's hometown receiving $27 million in federal money (for a town of 6700!! She was the mayor at this time) to help fund a rail project to a resort Steven's has.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"