Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
I thought The Hudsucker Proxy was one of the Coens more predictable movies, but that's compared to other Coen movies, not compared to all movies smile. Tim Robbins was great in that role wasn't he?

afsaneh, what are some of your other favorite Coen bros. movies? I have seen most of them and I think, aside from the obvious ones like Fargo and No Country For Old Men, I would have to say Barton Fink was the biggest surprise for me. I loved the awkward relationship between John Turturo and John Goodman.

Well, I've not seen many pictures of them. Those I've seen besides the above mentioned are No Country for Old Men, Fargo, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, and Intolerable Cruelty. My most favorite thus far is definitely O Brother, Where Art Thou? and I didn't care much for Intolerable Cruelty.

I agree that The Hudsucker Proxy was predictable, but I enjoyed every minute of it. There is something about their movies... And yes, Tim was great. lol

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