Let me just weigh in on the experience factor. It's undeniable that McCain has much more than Obama. But for the office they are both seeking, neither has the actual experience for the decisions made in the position.

What matters is that the president surround him/herself with the best people to make decisions for our country. This is a judgment issue and this, IMO, is where Obama is abundantly ahead of McCain. Look at the so-called "experience" George Bush and his administration had. Experience did not do us any good with the poor decisions Rumsfeld and Cheney made about the Iraq War. In fact, they repeated past mistakes from when they were both in the Nixon administration and fighting the Vietnam War. I see McCain acting in the same way as Bush, if he were to be elected.

Fundamentally flawed judgment was also used by McCain in selecting Sarah Palin. Throwing her inexperience aside, listen to the majority of her non-rehearsed, unscripted answers. They are a train wreck. She clearly does not know the Constitution, foreign policy, or anything significant about the U.S. Supreme Court.

McCain has demonstrated that he is reactionist, rather than someone who thinks things through. This is where he is frighteningly similar to George Bush. How many poor decisions has Bush made based upon his "gut instinct?" Examples of the McCain reactionary weakness:
1) picking Sarah Palin as a means to rally his base rather than selecting the most qualified candidate for the country (Romney, Ridge, Gingrich). Once the initial Palin hoopla stopped, it was evident to nearly everyone that the figurative emperor had no clothes on.

2) the political stunt of "suspending" his campaign to "handle" the economic crisis. The economy is the #1 issue for the majority of Americans. Only weeks prior to suspending his campaign, McCain himself announced "the fundamentals of the economy were strong." THIS STATEMENT DEMONSTRATED, MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE, THAT DESPITE McCAIN'S EXPERIENCE, HE HAD LEARNED NEXT TO NOTHING ABOUT THE U.S. ECONOMY IN ALL OF HIS YEARS AS A SENATOR. Furthermore, this complete misanalysis of what was going on in our country, demonstrated how out of touch John McCain is regarding the basic understanding of our economic operations and economics policies.