
Just what experience is required to be elected as President? Experience with what? What is the threshhold that one must obtain? There is none. There's no experience required or useful for that matter. The Presidency is so unique that nothing prepares one for its slings and arrows. A President is surrounded by a staff of advisors and a Cabinet who provide options for the President's selection. There's no magic in that selection process. Experience doesn't affect the probability of an option's success or failure. To be the Republican or Democratic nominee, one goes through an arduous and onerous primary campaign and election process. If there is experience achieved, that process is it. One offers oneself to Americans and we accept or reject the offer.

There is a series of books entitled the Making of the President by Theodore White that chronicles the road that successful presidential candidates travel on the way to the Presidency. Read them. There are also any number of bboks out there about Presidents. Read some of them also. You won't find in their pages apriori experience that was helpful to our Presidents except among those that had been Vice-Presidents. Even then it was only residual.

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
"Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."
"Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."