Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Chalk up another one for that list RR!! wink

Do ya think it's because they really prefer Obama or is it because McCain is just not well liked (Or should I say he has never been the one that the Republican party wanted, nor were they ever real enthused with him). Anyway, it does take a lot of guts for these people to vote against your party, and then to announce it.


Well there is a trend to many of these endorsements. Notice that of those I've posted, two major reasons keep propping up:

(1) McCain's reactions after the stock market meltdown, including infamous flip-flop "suspension" of his campaign (when he didn't really) and saying that he wouldn't leave D.C. until the bailout was agreed to, including missing the debate if necessary.

Of course Obama didn't take the bait, firmly called McCain's bluff, saying he would be at Oxford, Mississippi that friday night, debate or no debate (including his statement: "A President has gotta do two things at once.") As you remember, the bailout talks blew up (no fault of either McCain/Obama) and McCain then had to tuck his tail between his legs and flew to the debate.

In other words, to some GOPers/conservatives, McCain looked flimsy and weak in response to that crisis, while they thought Obama was firm and didn't act panic-filled.

Plus, McCain voted for the bailout, which sorta pissed off many of the already-disgruntled economical small-government conservatives/libertarians.

(2) Sarah Palin.

Freddie C. and DC have cried about how the left refuse to use the same criticism against their candidate like they have with Palin, and I and some "Obamacons" would disagree.

Agree with him politically or not, Obama in interviews at least presents himself as an intelligent, disciplined candidate.

Palin though....I mean Katie friggin Couric comes off as more intelligent than Palin in that interview.

Then consider alot of Female GOPers that could have gotten the gig, and done a better job (i.e. Kay Hutchinson) and these Obamacons go: WHAT THE FUCK?

Now TIS, notice that some of these Obamacons are from New England, those moderate GOPers who are the remnants of the liberal wing of the old GOP, i.e. Nelson Rockefeller, where they may agree with the party's economics, but are pro-choice or tolerant of gays or whatever.

With the GOP increasingly pulling, to quote William Buckley, "Ideological Suicide", alienating moderates/small-government conservatives/fiscal conservatives/libertarians/etc....alot of those centrists, much like the "Reagan Democrats" in the 1980s, feel left out or that their party on the national level has gone too deep into the fringes, and decide that the candidate of the rival party suites their concerns or causes more.