Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Thanks RR, I know I, for one, can surely relate to the comparisons you mention that's for sure. wink

To add-on my JFK/Reagan/BHO analogy, someone told me that Obama has the highest polled-favorables ever for a presidential candidate. I don't know if that is accurate, and I haven't seen that alleged polling itself, BUT if its true...

Well JFK and Reagan both made some mistakes inbetween the good shit they did.

JFK had the Bay of Pigs fiasco in his first 100 days in office, ordered the coup de tats in South Vietnam that got its dictator assassinated, and a similar overthrow in Iraq that a young Saddam Hussein was involved as an enforcer for the new leader...his weakness at his Vienna summit with Kruschev in 1961 would lead onto the Cuban Missile Crisis (which his administration defused strongly without looking weak) and famously held off on any significant Civil Rights legislation until the Birmingham church bombing in 1963.

Reagan failed to decrease government (in fact, he increased it, with Department of Veterans' Affairs) and his supply-side economics provided for an economic boom, but a heavy deficit in the late 80s/90s that cost Bush Sr. his job. Reagan also had his nasty/insignificant involvements down in Central America (which could have snared us down like Vietnam) and maybe his administration should have been more assertive in publicly combating the AIDS epidemic, and oh yeah that whole Iran-Contra fuckup.

And yet both Presidents were liked by the American people in spite of all that. Despite Iran/Contra, Reagan left office with the then-highest approval ratings, and JFK's lowest mark was at 56%.

Look at Americans who refuse to let go of "Camelot," in spite of JFK's numerous affairs and (possibly) being connected in some way to Marylyn Monroe's death, and his outright bitchyness (like having the IRS audit Nixon yearly after the 1960 election.) When Reagan died, his state funeral was perhaps for Americans the most emotional since JFK's own in 1963.

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Now, is it even possible that McCain could lose his home state??? The Dems evidently are not shy about circulating this artcle. lol According to this poll, McCain leads by only 4???[/]

Democrats are circulating a poll showing Sen. John McCain losing ground in his home state of Arizona, an ominous sign for his beleaguered campaign as state after state turns blue.

Project New West, which aims to build the Democratic Party in the Intermountain West, says the Republican leads Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in the Grand Canyon State, 48 percent to 44 percent.

The pollsters call that a “dramatic shift” from a survey they took in mid-September, which had McCain ahead by 14 points, 54 percent to 40 percent.

“Bad News for McCain: Presidential Contest in Arizona has Closed in Arizona And McCain Now Leads By Just 4 Points,” says a memo from pollsters Andrew Myers of Myers Research and Strategic Services and Lisa Grove of Grove Research.

The poll of 600 likely Arizona voters was taken Thursday and Friday, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

McCain has represented Arizona in the House or Senate since 1982.

In 2000, President Bush won Arizona by 6 percentage points. In 2004, he widened that to 11 percentage points.

Most polling has showed McCain winning his home state easily. The Real Clear Politics average of Arizona polls gives McCain an 11.3-point advantage over Obama.

The McCain campaign did not respond to requests for comment.



I got one better TIS:

Arizona Daily Star poll:

McCain 43.5
Obama 41.5
