Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

That's unbelieveable! However I get an error message "Can't find file 404" when open the link. confused

Anyway, I don't know what the highest number was, but didn't h attract over 100,000 when he was in Europe?

Still, win or lose I think this guy's appeal is amazing. smile


yeah sorry about the link. It's 404 for me as well.

I think that Denver report regards for a domestic audience for Senator Obama, though St. Louis weeks back also reported a 100,000 crowd that was later believed to be only 90,000.

But STILL, ninety thousand people out for a rally speech. I mean Jesus, that's still just insanely incredible.

The appeal you spoke of TIS, its a factor of many things:

(1) He's "It." - McCain has whined about Obama's celebrity, but in every election there is always "The Guy/Gal" and the "other one." The Guy/Gal enters a room, and sucks up all the oxygen and attention, and the opposition becomes more of an anti-movement than a proactive candidate campaign.

With the polls so far, Obama is probably going to be our next President of the United States, and the masses want to see their new King.

(2) Kennedy/Reagan - My conservative friends always get pissed when I say this, but Obama right now with these crowds, he is my generation's Ronald Reagan or JFK, someone who only comes once an epoch.

Not in terms of ideology or policy necessarily, but that in his rhetoric and charisma, those people see him as reassuring, a figure that always promises a better America in a better tomorrow. If Kennedy influenced a whole generation of liberals, and Reagan with a generation of conservatives, Obama could possibly move a whole generation himself.

(3) #1 - I read an interesting piece in the last TIME issue where a black writer penned about how if Obama wins, the most famous black man in America won't be an over-paid primadonna athlete (Kobe Bryant) or a gangsta rapper in/was in prison (50 Cent) or old loud demagogues (Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton) or a rich celebrity who with his expensive lawyers used race and not the evidence to be acquited (O.J. Simpson).

(4) The Base - Unlike McCain, the Democratic Party base is full-fledged for Obama, and you see that enthusiasm and numbers at these rallies.