Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I'm reading an awful lot of stories regarding Palin "turning" on or not "following" advice. While, I'm also hearing that this is common. It is??? confused Some are calling her a Diva. lol More likely, and the more I see of her, I agree that most likely she is trying to "make her mark" or "position hersel" for 2012. Ya think??????? eek


Well yeah. She's trying to not go down with the sinking ship. Hell, Lieberman, the Democratic Senator who endorsed McCain, is now saying that Obama is "experienced" enough to be President.

As for 2012 GOP Nomination, Palin/Romney/Huckabee seem likely runners, but the one new face outsider for '12 or '16 that could excite up the party would be Bobby Jindal, the Indian-American Governor Louisiana, who Newt Gingrinch has been pimping heavily lately.