Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Every now & then, even the New York Times decides to get it right. (Bold/Italics added by me)


Donor Patrol: Obama’s Online Site Accepts More FakesBy Michael Luo

If I wanted to skirt the campaign finance laws I would so pick names like “Fdsa Fdsa” and "Doodad Pro" to stand out like red flags. Seriously, the desperation is palpable!

For it to get into the campaign coffers, the actual name of the person must be given before a bank or financial institution will agree to release the money. So fictitious names cannot really donate online, though easily enough added to a DB if the AVS is turned off. In the event that they are unable to verify the identity of the giver, the donation is held in a separate account until it can be returned/erased.

Sloppy bookkeeping without AVS I will say though, but not fraudulent or scandalous.

Come one Apple, I know you are smart -- you are just too desperate right now to think critically.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"