Originally Posted By: Just Lou
Does the fact McCain plans on spending election night in a 700 room hotel "which customarily hosts weddings and business retreats" signal McCain knows it's over? In a related story, the AP writes: "Only a small press "pool" — mostly those who have traveled regularly with the candidate on his campaign plane, plus a few local Arizona reporters and other guests — will be physically present when McCain speaks." Apparently McCain doesn't even plan on attending his election night party at the hotel, but will instead address the crowd from the lawn outside.


If I was a McCain supporter who paid money to be there, I would be PISSED.

And really, this is a dick move. Carter/Mondale/Dukakis in their disasterous landslide losses in the 1980s, they all still came out in the flesh to their supporters for the last hurrah. Same with Bush Sr. in 1992 and Dole in '96 and so forth.

Worse than anything, this news just re-enforces within the minds of McCain supporters that they can't win, or that the campaign itself doesn't think it can.