Ok liberals, it's time for a reality check...

McCain's tax policy is better than Obama's. Raising anyone's taxes during a recession is stupid. "Spreading the wealth around" is absurd in a capitalistic society. "95% of Americans will get tax cuts", but 40% don't pay income taxes. This equates to welfare, where the rich will basically be writing a check to that 40%. Is that right? Is it true that this is "patriotic" as your veep "Joe the six term senator" claims?

Obama has zero foreign policy experience. Honestly, who do you think is more ready to deal with our enemies, Obama or McCain? In Obama's short time in the senate, he has been wrong on every war issue, whether it be the surge or suppling more money for our soliders. If it was up to him, we would've already conceded defeat in Iraq. Obama knows nothing about military strategy and I fear for all of our safety if he is the president.

You all might dismiss his radical associations, but I don't. He sat in the pews of Rev. Wright's church for 20 years. He knew Bill Ayers' past when he sat on committees and gave speeches with him. Both of those men hate America, and yet Obama gets a pass. Either he agreed with them or he was too stupid to realize what they were about, either way Obama showed extremely poor judgment.

What are Obama's creditential's to be president? 100 weeks in the senate? Being the most liberal senator (never crossing party lines)? Being a community organizer? When has he ever made a important decision? When has his character ever been tested? What does anyone really know about him? He is clearly not ready to hold the most powerful position in the world and I do not trust him at all.

"The Dewey Decimal System... What a scam that was!"