Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I think that anyone who throws as consistently hard as Joba is at true risk of burning out that arm. He's already been injured once. With Mo retiring, I think he's a perfect set up man for innings 7 and 8, and then eventually to take over as closer once Mo retires, which is only one or two seasons away. He is definitely lights out.

There is no doubt that we need starters, but I do not think that Joba is the answer. If we re-sign Moose and pick up Burnett and Sabathia (if wishing only made it so!), then we would have 4 excellent starters. I think that Hughes has potential to be consistently good at some point.

I don't think we should re-sign Pettite, but that may be inevitable. Either way, if we can pick up two new starters, and utilize Wang (although he's not without injury problems, either) and Moose, then fill out the 5th spot with either Pettite or Hughes, I think we'd have a consistent rotation.

The bullpen has improved. Unfortunately, our lack of starting pitchers who could last more than a few innings burnt out too many potentially good guys over the last few years. Let's keep our fingers crossed for 2009.

I understand where you're coming from now and that's a legitimate concern. I hope he doesn't burn himself out either but so far he looked good starting (I think that August injury was just a freak thing).

But again, my concern is with the rotation. Wang is (as of now) our ace. Say we do just what you said and sign CC and Burnett, that's 3 spots filled. Moose I think is going to retire and I agree, we shouldn't sign Pettitte. However, on the same token, we should learn from our mistakes last year and not rush Hughes (have him start at Triple-A and earn a roster spot). If we do that, then we only have 3 starters and still need 2 more. Again, that's why I think Joba has to start.