Originally Posted By: Mignon

First of all I have accepted the fact that McCain will probably not win the election. My hubby told me how he heard about that Michelle ordered all that stuff. So I found that blog and posted it. I don't care if it's Rush's blog or whose blog it is.

I'm sure Rush Limbaugh will do the right thing and inform his audience 20 million strong of his mistake, and resign.


Originally Posted By: Mignon

I am not the type of person who will post a lie on purpose. If this story is not true then I apologise but if it is true then shame on her.

You're not allowed to go out and treat yourself every now and then? I'll go out about once a month and have a really nice dinner. I still donate my money to charities, volunteer my time, etc. But I work really hard and make a lot of money and you better bet I'm going to go out and enjoy it every now and then. Yet shame on Michelle and yet Rush who was addicted to prescription pain medication, prosecuted for illegal possession, and loses his hearing or something like that is OK to believe.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"