Originally Posted By: olivant

Kudos. That's one of the most intelligent opinions ever posted in General Discussion. What is so noble about an average guy? Why wouldn't one want the best and the brightest as this Nation's Chief Executive? Why wold you want an average person to be president of the United States? What the hell is average anyway? And tell me, how do you rise to a level to become the Democratic or Republican party's presidential nominee and be average? That doesn't make any sense.

What I don't get is that we idolize people who are athletic, even if we are a nation of mostly couch potatoes, and even elect them into office. Yet we want the POTUS to be just 'like us'.

I want the man or woman who controls the world's biggest economy and the second largest nuclear arsenal to be a whole lot smarter than you, me and the average Joe the plumber combined many times over. That's the kind of person I want as president. Someone who makes me feel utterly inadequate and to hell with my tender ego.

Obama SHOULD embody the American dream. He worked his ass off to get a good education (no trust fund kid), and he didn't waste that education sitting around getting drunk and high. He is exactly the kind of role model this country needs, yet he is seen as "elite"?? I'll never get it.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"