Originally Posted By: J Geoff

But when it comes to foreign affairs -- at least while during a mission, regardless of how we ended up in there -- I gotta lean toward the right. The left doesn't seem to know shit about anything beyond our borders....

.....I totally support a RESPONSIBLE withdrawal from Iraq.....

...... it'd be a vote for a RESPONSIBLE withdrawal. Our commanders know what's going on there a helluva lot better than any U.S. citizen does, including Obama. And for that matter, McCain as well.

We can't lose that "war", or we'll be in deep shit. McCain knows that, and I think he also knows that we need to get (fully) back into Afghanistan, and, we need to hit Pakistan as well.

Well said Geoff, well said. And not only will WE be in deep shit if we don't handle this war, our withdrawel from Iraq, and overall situations in the middle east in a responsible, careful and well planned manner, but so will Israel. Especially when you still have sick bastards like Ahmadinejad & Hashemi-Rafsanjani over in Iran who have continuously said things like "Israel must be wiped off the map, " and that "Muslims should use nuclear weapons against Israel."

Originally Posted By: J Geoff
If we were in a peaceful time, I'd have no problem giving Obama a shot. But we're not. And we certainly won't be 4 years from now if he's president (IMHO).

I feel exactly the same. I don't dislike Senator Obama. I think that he, unlike the Dems last Presidential candidate John Kerry, is a very well versed and well educated man who is sincere in wanting to turn things around for the American people in this country. But personally I just do not feel that now is the right time to have an inexperienced man like him as our Commander in Chief.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.