This Nation has a Constitution and that Constitution has severn articles among which the first three are first because they are the most important. Article I defines the powers of the Congress, Article II defines the powers of the Executive, and Article III defines the powers of the Judiciary.

As such Presidents can only do so much and very little without the consent of Congress or a portion thereof(Senate). Congress is not monolithic not only because it is composed of Republicans and Democrats primarily but because within those parties, there are differences among their members.

This magic 60 referred to is a function of Senate rules in certain cases. It's not law. It can be changed and must be used judiciously. It is there in order to encourage political bipartisanship. It is no more an impediment to Republican efforts in the House than the 233 Democratic members of the House are there.

There are a myriad of Congressional rules that govern business there (many fewer in the Senate than in the House). Many, if not most of them, can be employed to obstruct legislation. Filbuster in the Senate is one such rule, but is judiciously employed by Senators and can only be stopped by 60 votes. However, regardless of the number of seats in the Senate that either parties wins, it will not "disallow" a filibuster.

And Mig, our system of checks and balances comes from the Constitution. It is there to enable one branch of the federal government to check and balance another branch of governent when such checks and balances are deemed necessary by those branches. Although divided government is more dynamic and potentially more beneficial, it's apposite is not necessarily a bad thing. Afterall, we the people have put the members of Congress and the President where they are and we only have to wait 2 years to unseat members of the House and a number of Senators.

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
"Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."
"Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."