Originally Posted By: The Iceman
Well TIS where you see hope and excitement I see dread & doom if Obama gets elected(which I think he will) Take it from me this nation will be screwed if Obama gets elected.

Yes, because I'm living in fucking Candy Land now, where it's all happiness and sparkles and pretty pink fucking unicorns.

How bad does it have to get before you will wake up and admit that the last eight years have been the nightmare of all nightmares?

Do we need to get into a war that was based solely on lies - a war that will cost 4000 American lives and put us smack dab in the middle of a recession? Oh, wait, mission accomplished there!

Do we need a natural disaster to sink an entire CITY of our citizens, have them stranded and starving and dying of thirst for DAYS before help even BEGINS to arrive?? And then have the President tell the man in charge that he's doing a "heck of a job"? Oh, wait, that happened, too. ohwell

Do we need to have the highest energy costs in our history, which then drives up the cost of every other fucking thing in this country so that families will have to choose between eating and commuting to work? Do we have to have the elderly, living on fixed incomes, become popsicles because they can't afford to heat their homes? Oh, wait, check off another one! And don't you DARE tell me that the costs have come down, conveniently close to Election day, and that's just until OPEC decides to drive up the cost again by tightening the supply, which they will.

Do we need to experience the worst economic crisis in the world's history? Oh, CHECK!!

How can you sit there and say that CHANGE would be a disaster?! How much worse can it possibly be? Oh, yes, let's all vote Republican because I've been told that their's is the party of inclusion. Let's all line up to vote for the party that wants to limit the choice of women, but not limit the ability of any psycho who wants to arm himself with a fucking Uzi. Let's vote for the party that wants to garner my vote by telling me how afraid I should be to wake up every morning in America. I want to vote for the party that wants to push school prayer and the theory of creationism down my children's throats, in spite of the fact that it is against the Constitution. Let's vote for the party that has a pregnant unwed teenager on the stage of its convention, but then wants to tell me that sex education and the distribution of condoms is BAD.

Puh-leeze. How BAD, how AWFUL, how completely FED UP do you have to be before you would consider thinking outside that teeny, tiny little box that you reside in??

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club