Anyway, here is Powell's appearance on MTP, and his rather intelligent argument for why a former Republican Secretary of State is endorsing a Democratic candidate:

Reasons include

- Obama's more "inclusive" party platform (the GOP has gone too far-right for his taste)
- The irrelevancy/racial tinge of the McCain campaign in recent weeks in continuing the smears that OBama is a muslim or/and a terrorist or whatever nonsense.
- the Obama campaign's handling of when the Economy went to hell.

I tell ya, his whole piece on the Muslim-American soldier who died in Iraq actually left a tear on my eye.

This just reaffirms how moderates/disgruntled Conservatives from within the Republican Party have just been alienated by the Dubya Years, and either are staying home or giving non-official blessings to the Obama campaign, or outright endorsements, like George Will and now the most promiment "Obamacon" (Republicans for Obama) in Colin Powell.