So much to cover. ohwell Just a few random political thoughts/opinions.

I am glad that the Obama camp his asking for an expansion of this "voter fraud" investigation. I've read it is possibly a Republican "exaggerated" story with political motivations (not surprisingly). rolleyes As the lawyer put it, you don't want "legal manuerving" be able to pick off people one by one from having their votes cast. I read in one state (maybe Ohio) that they were excluding people who lost their homes due to foreclosure, because they basically had no address.

I know right now the economy is "the" issue, I too am interest in SS.

On lighter notes, I hear that Joe the Plumber (wait, he's not really a plumber is he?) may be joining the McCain campaign. Ha ha. Raise your hand if your surprised. lol

I also read (I think Daily Kos) that some audio tape of Michelle Obama on a rampage about how "they" are treating her husband was getting the right all excited, until it was proven to be an (obvious) fraud.

I didn't see it posted but did you guys see the SNL skit of the "crazy lady at the McCain Rally" that told McCain she didn't want Obama to win because he was "Muslim"?? Ha ha ha. This lady in the skit looked just like he lady at the rally. SNL has always walked the edge, histerically. I wonder what that lady thinks??? lol Btw, I am not Muslim, BUT since when is Muslim a bad thing? I mean really???? Does Muslim equal terroist?? I think not. I think it's politcal bullshit.

Finally, will there be an October surprise, or was the late September economy bust it????? Me, I think anything is possible. A terror threat comes to mind. Would that be the "turn-around" for McCain?

All I know is I'm taking Nov. 5th off figuring,(I never take any mid-week day off) one way or another, I'll need it. lol I know anything can happen, BUT, it's so hard not to think I won't be partying at this point. tongue

And that's my rant for now.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon