Originally Posted By: Mark
Good point, Lilo. You would think that after Pistone, wise guys would be more diligent checking out an associates' roots (family, friends, neighborhood) - especially one proposed to get his button. But isn't it the sign of the times?..Arrogance & Greed. "Jack Falcone" showered the right people with the right stuff and told them how great they look, etc...Lo & behold "Happy Jack" is a Goodfella. There's not much difference between the guys on Mulberry Street, Wall St., and Pennsylvania Avenue. But even the wisest wiseguy would never suspect a 390 lb. Fed! Would they?!?

Kinda speaks to you about the state of the mob right now yeah? Theres some very blatant crap going on and they'll overlook it at the very prospect of someone who'd be a good, respectful earner.

I wonder how long the american mafia can function under such poor leadership, reminds of the of spanish empire in the carribbean nahmean?

I will be asking the questions! Because I don't know them!