I thought McCain did better, but he really had nowhere to go but up after his first two debates. His line about not being George Bush was good, but he should have been saying that months ago. I heard a lot of fluff, but never did I get the impression that McCain had full confidence in Palin.

Obama let McCain off the hook by not throwing the "fundamentals of the economy are strong" comment back in McCain's face. That statement summarizes how out-of-touch McCain has been with the financial crisis. I also thought Barack should have pressed the point of how Palin did nothing to quell the "kill him" shouts at recent rallies. I may have missed something, but I think even McCain asked the crowd only to reign it in when someone shouted "terrorist," not when "kill him" was shouted.

McCain's flippant comment about the "health" of a woman in an abortion should come back to bite him in the ass with some of his base, not to mention many women voters.