Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: Longneck
My question is: Is Joe The Plumber a Maverick? Can I vote for him?

Meet Joe The Plumber:

That's Mr. Clean.

I turned on the debate during commercials of the ball game. McCain had a good line in distancing himself from Obama's comparison of him to Bush ("If you want to run against Bush, you should have run 4 years ago"). But this response is a little late as Obama has been hammering this comparison away since the convention.

I watched the meter too, TIS, and Obama has been much more popular than McCain on the healthcare issue. It's kind of hard for the American people to look past the McCain proposal to tax people's healtcare benefits.

I get the impression that the negative campaigning came from campaign advisors within the Republican Nat. Com. as they saw the gap in the polls widen and realized they were getting beat on the issues. McCain seems very uncomfortable with it. I think he also did not take kindly to the recent suggestions from supporters in crowds, admonishing him to fight and get tough. It is embarrassing and unpresidential to be told by a guy off the street that you have to toughen up.

By the way, Obama gave another gratuitous shout out to Scranton as he's looking to soldify the blue collar support that Biden is working hard for.