Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I gotta say things are looking really good for Obama. It's hard not to get over confident. In politics, 3 weeks can change everything. Still, I have a very good feeling.

I'm just skimming some stories this evening, but Obama gaining in swing states, his favorability rating is high and Christopher Hitchens is supporting Obama??? eek

He is: http://www.slate.com/id/2202163/

An exerpt of his case:

"On "the issues" in these closing weeks, there really isn't a very sharp or highly noticeable distinction to be made between the two nominees, and their "debates" have been cramped and boring affairs as a result. But the difference in character and temperament has become plainer by the day, and there is no decent way of avoiding the fact. Last week's so-called town-hall event showed Sen. John McCain to be someone suffering from an increasingly obvious and embarrassing deficit, both cognitive and physical. And the only public events that have so far featured his absurd choice of running mate have shown her to be a deceiving and unscrupulous woman utterly unversed in any of the needful political discourses but easily trained to utter preposterous lies and to appeal to the basest element of her audience."

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I heard McCain say he was gonna kick O's "you know what" at the debate Wednesday. Hmmmmm.

Before the second debate, he promised that "the gloves would be off." How did that work for ya John? wink

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Which reminds me, did you all see that skit (I think from one of the late night shows) mimicking the last debate, showing McCain wandering around the stage aimlessly asking if anyone's seen his dog. lol


I did, and it was funny. grin